
Here is a list of all the entries (oldest to newest) ever posted to help you find what you’re looking for. Search the title or any key words in the search bar provided to find the content.

1. Cuba: the World’s Last Attempt at Socialism

2. Russia, Crimea and Putin’s Intentions

3. Tsipras Takes a Stand…

4. Rebels in Yemen: What are They Fighting for?

5. If it Wasn’t for Yeltsin…

6. Mao, Xi, and the Worst of Both Worlds

7. Islamic State From a Worldwide Perspective

8. The Russian Revolution in Nine Stages

9. The Commercialisation of Communism

10. Imperialism, Isolationism and Communism

11. Russell Brand and the British Revolution

12. The Third Bloc That Never Happened: Tito and the Non-Aligned Movement

13. The Pull of the Centre

14. On Patriotism

15. North Korea: the Beginning of the End

16. The Lost World of Communist Africa

17. Marxism is a Science, not a Religion

18. On Visiting Moscow

19. The Evolution of Communist Symbolism

20. Suffering in the First World: Greece and the European Crisis

21. The Birth and Development of Capitalism

22. On Trotskyism

23. Communism and the Kurdish Question

24. ‘Tis the Season to Revolt

25. The ‘C’ Word

26. Workers, not Machines

27. Terrorism and Communism

28. Communism, not Corbynism

29. A Means to an End (of Exploitation): Marxism and Utilitarianism

30. Marxism, Opium and Morphine

31. Capitalism’s Evolutionary Phases

32. Five Candidates for Future Revolution

33. ‘Naturally Selfish’: Does Human Nature Make Socialism Impossible?

34. Remembering October

35. The Evils of Inaction: Capitalism and the Migrant Crisis

36. Perpetuating the Cycle of Violence 

37. Who do we Side With? – Assessing Relations in a Revolutionary Struggle 

38. What do we Mean by ‘Imperialism’?

39. How Language Legitimizes Terrorism

40. Christmas Under Communism 

41. Should we Support Independent Businesses in the Fight Against Monopoly Capitalism

42. The Anonymous Revolutionary, 2015

43. ‘Odd one out’: the Politics and Philosophy of North Korea

44. A few Notes on Religion

45. Beyond the Cash Economy: a Look at ‘True’ Communism

46. The Anonymous Book Launch

47. The Years Where Anything was Possible: a Marxist Analysis of the Twentieth Century 

48. American Imperialism and the ‘war in Iran’

49. Exposing the Private Property Myth

Please be aware that for categorical purposes, most entries are tagged in either ‘Current Issue’ or ‘Political/Historical Speculation’.

11 thoughts on “Archives

  1. Max.
    To a man involved in the anti racist movement in the 70s and 80s, I thought capitalism had lead younger generations to believe Marxism was dead. Comrade, you have reignited the flame of belief.
    Keep fighting.


  2. Max,
    Your courage, maturity and thoughtful insight are so inspiring! I’m sure your book will do well.
    Recently I found that a tutor of mine, many years ago, when I was lucky enough to win the opportunity to do postgraduate study in Sri Lanka, was Doric de Souza, who was one of the people who introduced Trotskyist communism to the island. Reading about Doric and his beliefs made me look up Friedrich Engels, and I then read his book about mid-Victorian Manchester. I’m giving a talk about it this week, to our local history society. And I’m going to tell them to read your book and your blogs, too! (If only my blogs were written daily, also!)


  3. Hey Max,
    Just read your blog in the Guardian,. Managed to make its way all the way down here to little old New Zealand. I am blown away by your maturity, intelligence and self reflection/awareness at such a young age. Afterwards I’ve been reading some of the posts on this blog. Very good work and your attitude is very inspiring to me. Hope you continue to thrive in your less than ideal circumstances. You seem to view the world and death in ways very similar to me and ill be reading this site daily now. Cheers bro!!!(thanks mate)



  4. I just read your blog in Guardian and while reading I knew you were philosopher – most likely Marxist, before seeing it down below πŸ™‚ I am Marxist my self as well


  5. Oh, and here is an idea. If you find it helpful, you can write regulary about your thoughts and feelings upon your condition as well, beside your philosophical and political thoughts. Thats totaly up to you ofc, but I am letting you know it is welcome. Relieve for you, literature for us πŸ™‚ And we would like to hear how youre doing, joke on a side, I am sure I am not talking only in my behalf


  6. Max you are truly quite incredible and an inspiration to us all. I would love to hear you speak. I am happy to arrange it if you are interested. Keep doing what you are doing.


  7. I only found out about you last week Max and now I know you are no longer here. Your humility, clear thinking, selflessness, bravery, compassion and huge heart in one so young and one now gone, could teach many, many people. I hope the words you wrote will continue to reach others, to touch others and to change others as they did me.


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